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Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum

The LMRC consists of both educational and practicum components. Its educational component includes 40 hours of interactive virtual didactic material along with 60 hours of application activities designed to be completed over a one- to three-year time period. The practicum component includes 400 lifestyle medicine-related patient encounters, 10 hours of (Intensive) therapeutic lifestyle change (ITLC or TLC) program experience and 10 hours of group facilitation experience.

Upon completion of the education and practicum components, residents qualify to sit for the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine (ABLM) certification exam.

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A collaborative initiative of:

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Do you want to become a Lifestyle Medicine Board Eligible residency program?

If you are interested in becoming a site for the LMRC and a Lifestyle Medicine Board Eligible residency for the next academic year, please fill out the Site Interest Form by March 15. All forms accepted after March 15 will be eligible for LMRC implementation in the following residency academic year.


Locations across the United States of lifestyle medicine residency programs. Join this ever-growing network of academic institutions.

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The American College of Lifestyle Medicine and American Board of Lifestyle Medicine are pleased to offer the Dr. Stephen Turner Residency Director and Faculty Scholarship, a full-ride lifestyle medicine certification scholarship for residency directors, associate directors, and faculty interested in adopting the Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum into their residency program.

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